Monday, May 25, 2015

Phase 1 of the Huggins-Grube Protocol – Test Time

Phase Two of the Huggins-Grube Protocol – Test Time

With last week’s post I began discussing the “meat and potatoes” of the Huggins-Grube Protocol. If you need to refresh your memory, you can read it below. 

We looked at the Protocol’s first phase, which is all about preparation. If restored health is our destination, and if dental revision is the means of travel, then this preparatory phase is where we plan our trip. We plot our course, make our reservations, and pack our bags.

A big part of that planning involves testing. Specifically, today we’ll be talking about two of several special tests we use to determine how best to treat our patients. So, relax: there’re no “right” or “wrong” answers. There’s just you!


The thought of this test might be shocking for some of you. (Yes, the pun was intended.) The dentist will take electric readings on your amalgam fillings and crowns. Think about it for a moment: amalgam dental work is metallic. And metal conducts electricity. Add a nice solution like saliva, and presto! You’ve got your very own, built-in personal battery. 

(Think “Physics 101.”) Sometimes, that “battery” even transmits and receives radio waves. Yes, some folks really have reported hearing radio transmissions over this frequency. Talk about it being “all in your head”! If you’ve got a mouthful of amalgam and are having difficulty understanding this, don’t worry. This artificial electrical current being generated in your mouth is way stronger (around 1,000 times) than the one naturally generated by your brain. This means your brain has to work really hard to adjust itself and the rest of your nervous system to this intruding electricity. The result? Brain fog. If you’ve felt it, then you know exactly what I’m talking about.

As you might have guessed by now, this test is an extremely important part of the Protocol. By it, your dentist is able to determine the sequential order in which your amalgam fillings and crowns should be replaced. I’ll explain this in greater detail when I cover the actual process of dental revision, so stay-tuned. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist that one.)


They say beauty is more than skin deep. Well, there’s a lot more to your hair than meets the eye. So, a sample is taken from the nape of your neck – probably best done by your barber or beautician – to be sent to another special laboratory for mineral analysis. 

Some minerals, like lead, mercury, and cadmium, are toxic. Others, like sodium, potassium, and calcium, are necessary – in the right amounts – for optimal health. This test will measure these necessary minerals to determine your body’s supply of them. Plus, these test results will be correlated with those from other tests, about which we’ll be writing in our next post.

More Tests To Follow 

So, check back next week to read about the remaining critical tests we run prior to beginning the actual dental revision process. As you can see already, there’s a lot more to this than just taking the metal out of your mouth, willy-nilly. Your health, oral and otherwise, is way too important! 

Until next week, 

Dr. Blanche

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