Friday, August 26, 2016

A Complete Food

Dear friends of Centers for Healing,

This week, I want to continue our discussion on honey. We all know that bees make it. Now, it’s time to consider exactly why they make it . . . and, why it tastes so good!

Food For Bees

Since bees make honey, it only makes sense that they make it for themselves. In fact, honey is the natural food for adult worker bees and drones. (Young bees eat bee pollen, while their queen diets exclusively on royal jelly. But, that’s getting ahead of ourselves.)

This is an important point. Namely, if the bees can live solely on their own products, it stands to reason that they are foods. We’ll see, in fact, that they are super foods.

Food For Us

As J.S. Taylor writes in his excellent e-book Natural Healing Remedies From The Hive,
“Honey is so much more than glucose and fructose, it is a nutrient rich substance with an impressive array of vitamins and minerals with trace amounts of amino acids and antioxidants.”

I highly recommend downloading this free resource at the following link:

Natural Healing Remedies From The Hive

Just Another Natural Sugar?

Sure, honey is sweet. However, it is much more than a simple sweetener. In fact, it would be much more accurate to call honey a sweet food. Better: a sweet super food.

A tablespoon of honey contains 64 calories, about 67% of which come from glucose and fructose. Meanwhile, a tablespoon of white sugar contains less than half of that, at just 30 calories. However, those calories are 100% sucrose.
it hits your digestive system and immediately passes into your blood stream.
The practical difference is this: when you swallow that tablespoon of white sugar (from which practically all of the nutritional content of the natural sugar cane has been processed away), it hits your digestive system and immediately passes into your blood stream.  This causes an immediate insulin response by your pancreas.

On the other hand, when you eat that tablespoon of honey, it is digested as food . . . one that actually helps regulate your blood sugar level! Maybe this is because honey contains almost all of the B vitamins, which are necessary for proper metabolism of sugar!

Think about it for a moment. Have you ever heard a dietician tell an overweight patient to consume more sugar in order to lose weight (i.e., body fat)? Not hardly.

However, honey has been used effectively as a weight loss supplement, especially when mixed with warm water, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, ginger, and cinnamon. Here’s a link to Dr. Josh Axe’s website, where he gives the exact recipe for his version of this popular drink:

Secret Detox Drink

A Complete Food

Again, there’s much more to honey than its sugar content. In fact, honey contains proteins (with several important amino acids), carbohydrates, organic acids, enzymes, minerals, and a host of antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds. (Those beneficial enzymes are destroyed, though, when honey is heated excessively, so it’s better to consume it at room temperature or in drinks that are only warm, not hot.)

I don’t know about you, but that’s a pretty impressive list of benefits from one tablespoon of honey!

My friends, so many of us exist on diets that leave us overfed and undernourished. Isn’t it about time to fix that problem? Wouldn’t all of us prefer vibrant living to mere existing? And, doesn’t a moderate use of honey seem like it might be an important ingredient in the solution?

Next week, we’ll talk about bee pollen, one of the other amazing “gifts of the hive.” Until then, take good care!

All the best,

Dr. Blanche Grube

Friday, August 12, 2016

Honey is actually one of five amazing substances produced by bees

Dear friends of Centers for Healing,

In mid June, I started a guessing game. I know, “next week” stretched into more than a few now, but so go even our best-made plans!

Anyway, how did the guessing go? Remember, you were trying to identify a special, natural sweetener with a long list of amazing health properties.

Well, in case you haven’t figured it out already, the answer is . . . honey!

What Is Honey?

Honey is actually one of five amazing substances produced by bees. The others are:

  • bee pollen
  • royal jelly
  • propolis
  • beeswax
For now, however, let’s concentrate on just honey, since it’s probably the most well known of the group.

Specifically, honey is a substance produced by honeybees. Naturally sweet, it is made from plant nectar and other secretions from live plants. The highly efficient “factory” where honey production occurs is the nest, or beehive. One hive is home to over 50,000 bees, including their queen! And, her empire is an impressive one!

Busy As A Bee

Bees make honey by means of an amazing step-by-step process. First, female worker bees forage for nectar, within roughly a four-mile radius of the hive. As they collect the nectar, it gets mixed with enzymes secreted by glands within the bees’ mouths.

Then, after returning to the hive, the worker bees drop the nectar into the hexagonal compartments of the hive, known as the honeycomb. It is made of beeswax, so beloved by all of us healthy candle burners!

Now, nectar naturally has a high water content, which needs to be reduced. This is accomplished in part by the fanning of the bees’ wings, bringing the water composition down to about 17 percent. Finally, once this solution of nectar has thickened to the proper density, the bees cover it with more wax.

Time Flies

Does this seem like a lot of work? Well, it sure does to those worker bees, since their average lifespan during honey production season is a short six weeks! Think about that the next time you mix that teaspoon of honey in your morning or afternoon tea! Thousands of bees literally gave their lives to make it.

Huggins-Grube Protocol Training

In the following blogpost, I’ll discuss the uses of honey, both by bees and by us.

Meanwhile, mark your calendar: the next training on our unique patient protection Protocol is scheduled for August 18-20, right here in our hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania! Our new three-day program will feature, among other topics:

  • how to find important clues in blood and hair analysis
  • IV-C administration
  • use of the RITA meter and negative ion generator
  • cavitation and implant removal surgeries
The following link will take you back to my website, where you can read more about this important training clinic:

My friends, the need for dental professionals who are skilled in these safe and effective methods increases steadily, as both the dental industry and the general public become more aware of the serious dangers of heavy metal toxicity.

Always centered on your physical, dental, and emotional healing,

Dr. Blanche Grube