Dear friend of Centers for Healing,
If you’ve been following these blog posts over the course of the past few months, you’ll know that they’ve been like a virtual tour of the Huggins-Grube Protocol. In a nutshell, that’s what we call our special patient (and doctor) protection practice. It covers the respective stages before, during, and after dental revision surgery.
Our final topic is one with which each of us is very familiar. That is, in practice, at least. I’m talking about nutrition. After all, we are what we eat. (Well, mostly. Better said: we are what we digest.)
Now, pretty much everyone has heard dentists advise their patients to watch their intake of sugar, both at meals and in between meals.
However, some of you may be surprised to hear a dentist talk with such insistence about nutrition in general. Sadly, biology and conventional dentistry are often total strangers. We mean to fix that!
Chemistry, Not Type
That’s right: our approach to nutrition is based, not upon generic blood types (A, B, O, etc.), but upon specific blood chemistries. In other words, each person needs to eat according to his or her unique blood chemistry.
We can tell a lot about your personal nutritional needs from a “blood chemistry profile.”
In particular, your profile tells us about your need for – and use of – macronutrients. We commonly know them by the less technical names of protein, fats, and carbohydrates.
- Are you eating enough protein?
- More importantly, are you properly metabolizing (i.e., burning) the protein you eat?
- Are you consuming the proper amount of healthy fat?
- Are you eating too many or too few carbohydrates?
These are just a few of the many questions we ask, and which a good blood profile can answer. Remember, it’s all about discerning what your body needs and how well it’s using what it gets.
Additionally, we look at how well your liver and kidneys are working, especially in their important work of ongoing detoxification of the rest of the body. “Good stuff in; bad stuff out.”
The End of the Road
As promised in last week’s post, this present one wraps-up our several month review of our Patient Protection Protocol. I really hope these posts have helped you see the Protocol in its entirety, with enough detail of the individual parts to make the whole thing come together.
Of course, I’ll return in the future to one or more of the many topics we’ve covered. After all, our Protocol is a “work in progress.” We strive to incorporate the best of new theories and practices into the comprehensive care we offer our patients.
As ever, feel free to contact us here at our Scranton, PA office with any questions or concerns you may have. The phone number is (570) 343-1500, and we’re there every week from Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Honored to be working always for your best physical, dental, and emotional health,
Dr. Blanche