In order to discuss the future of dentistry, we must first look at the history of the use of mercury in dentistry. .. #anitavazquez #blanchegrubeprotocol, October 31, 2013
Joseph Mercola - Google+ - There are so many types of oil on the market that it’s…
Joseph Mercola - Google+ - There are so many types of oil on the market that it’s… 5: SEQUENTIAL REMOVAL - Blanche Grube Protocol
Because many metals are released directly into the mouth from the fillings and are immediately absorbed into the cheeks, #blanchegrubeprotocol - See more at:, October 30, 2013
Approximately 50% of mercury entering local waste treatment plants...
comes from dental amalgam waste. #spreadtheword, October 29, 2013
"Composite Materials" or White Fillings...
Composite materials, commonly known as “white fillings,” are one type of dental material that is quickly gaining popularity. These are a ... #biocomplab #shslab #biocompability #reactive▶ Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Degeneration - YouTube
How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Degeneration from the University of Calgary. #PatientEducation is the key to helping you achieve the best physical, dental and emotional health. 4: A DENTAL ORAL EXAMINATION - Blanche Grube Protocol
This is where #drblanchegrube doctors look for and chart decayed, missing and filled teeth. This procedure is... - See more at: Labeling Has Its Day In Court
Attorney Ferguson files a lawsuit against the GMA, and alleges them for illegally collecting more than 7 million to oppose the I-522 GMO labeling campaign., October 28, 2013
STEP 2 of the #BlancheGrubeProtocol "BLOOD CHEMISTRY..."
"BLOOD CHEMISTRY" Step 2 of #BlancheGrubeProtocol There are some basic blood tests that are required in order to have a guideline for balancing the body chemistry in your body. #drblanchegrubeclinic in #scranton and #centersforhealing in #newburypark use the #BlancheGrubeProtocol comprehensive overview of the connection between dental mercury fillings and antibiotic resistances
Installing dental amalgam restorations into laboratory animals (monkeys) resulted in a sharp increase in the proportion of their GI tract (oral and fecal) bacteria able to produce volatile Hg(0). #articles #mercury #exposure #drblanchedgrube #halhugginsprotocol #blanchegrubeprotocol, October 25, 2013
The International Mercury Treaty Is Finally Official!
The International treaty named "United Nations Minamata Convention on Mercury" has been declared, and will require phasing out of mercury-containing products. #drblanchegrube is proud of the efforts of all who helped to make this a reality, October 24, 2013
From Acrodynia to Autism: Mercury Across Generations, More Evidence of Harm
"EDUCATE YOURSELF ON DENTAL TOXICITY The #blanchegrubeprotocol is about education. Educating yourself about toxicity and related dental practices will help you understand why it is important to take care of your overall health and common dental procedures. You may want to educate yourself on dental toxicity by CANALS 101 -- Dr. Blanche D. Grube
Dr. Blanche D. Grube discusses how a root canal is actually performed and why a person should never have one placed in a tooth. #norootcanals #blanchegrubeprotocol #amalgamremoval #holisticdentistry Blanche D. Grube New Patient Video Series
This informative video series is designed for new patient education. It contain nine modules which cover the material Dr. Grube says is “Must Know” for all of her new patients. #newpatientvideoseries #amalgam #dental #articles #drblanchedgrube #blanchegrubeprotocol #holistidentist, October 23, 2013
UN Mercury Treaty Signals Time To Change U.S. Dental Policy, Says International Academy
/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- History will be made next week when nations of the world sign a United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) treaty to reduce mercury #blanchegrubeprotocol #amalgamremoval #holisticdentistry #drblanchedgrube #drblanchedgrubeclinic Dentistry - Biological Dentist - Mercury Free Dentist Directory - Mercury Poisoning Symptom - Silver Filling - Dental Amalgam Information
Holistic Dentistry - Biological Dentist - Mercury Free Dentist Directory - Mercury Poisoning Symptom - Silver Filling - Dental Amalgam Information and Alternative Health Care Directory. #blanchegrubeprotocol #amalgamremoval #holisticdentistry #drblanchedgrube"ADA spokesman Dr. Rodney Mackert misleads readers about the safety of mercury fillings"
"ADA spokesman Dr. Rodney Mackert misleads readers about the safety of mercury fillings" #blanchegrubeprotocol #ada fact, amalgam poses a whole swarm of problems at every stage of its lifecycle, including…
Dentists who use mercury fillings claim that amalgam is safe because it's been used for 150 years. More accurately, dental amalgam is a Civil War relic, hardly a point #blanchegrubeprotocol #amalgamremoval #holisticdentistry The BLANCHE GRUBE PROTOCOL
Blanche Grube Protocol is an integrated system that incorporates multiple safety factors to enhance immune recovery. Oil versus Fish Oil Infographic -
Discover important facts about krill oil and fish oil supplements, and find out why krill oil is a safer and more eco-friendly option. #articles #mercury #exposure #blanchegrubeprotocol #drblanchedgrube, October 18, 2013
List of biological dentists -- IABDM knows that what happens in the mouth is reflected in the body, and what happens in the body is reflected in the mouth."
As a 30 Year member and IABDM immediate Past-President. I know that the IABDM supports dentists, physicians and all allied health practitioners who are committed to integrating body, mind, spirit and mouth in caring for the whole person. #mercury #exposure #drblanchedgrube #halhugginsprotocol, October 17, 2013
Notable New Research: Mercury Vapor Exposure - International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine
Notable New Research: Mercury Vapor Exposure - International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine #drblanchedgrube #halhugginsprotocol #grubeprotocol #drblanchedgrubeclinic #scranton #pennsylvania #centersforhealing Laboratories Inc. All foreign substances introduced to the body will elicit a response from the immune system, including dental materials.
Reactivity is the amount of change that occurs within the immune system when it is subjected to a foreign substance. #biocomplab #shslab #biocompability #reactive #dental #information #materials #immune #it #test #biocompatibility #testing #system #order #links #policies, October 15, 2013
Huggins Protocol - Dr. Blanche D. Grube follows the Huggins Protocol for the safe removal of mercury -
Up until recently, it was felt that the mercury stayed within the filling. Now it is known that mercury leaches out every minute of the day. mercury toxicity, signs of, symptoms, amalgam filling, treatment for.... #halhugginsprotocol #grubeprotocol #drblanchedgrubeclinic #scranton, Biocompatible, Mercury Free (Amalgam Free), Mercury safe, Cosmetic Dentistry at Dr. Blanche D. Grube's Clinic
Reactivity to dental materials can be loosely compared to food allergies. While many people have no problems with foods such as peanuts - See more at: s Koss 2010 FDA testimony
Injured Consumer Freya Koss presents her personal testimony to the FDA in 2010 #freyakoss #grubeprotocol #drblanchedgrubeclinic #scranton #pennsylvania #centersforhealing #mercuryfree Harnessing and Enhancing Heavy Metal Detoxification - A Review
Recognizing toxicant contributors to chronic disease and conducting research to evaluate chelation strategies and protocols to assess and address toxic metal bioaccumulation #articles #mercury #exposure #drblanchedgrube #halhugginsprotocol, October 3, 2013
Petition | Dentsply: Stop Making Mercury Dental Fillings |
Dental amalgam – a filling material for cavities commonly marketed as “silver” fillings – is about 50% mercury, a neurotoxin. Dentsply is a leading... debate comes to a head in New Tecumseth | CTV Barrie News
Tottenham is one of the only municipalities in our area to add fluoride to its drinking water, but that could soon change after a recent decision by local councillors to end the 40 year practice. #grubeprotocol #amalgamremoval #holisticdentistry #drblanchedgrube #drblanchedgrubeclinic #scranton #pennsylvania #halhugginsprotocol #biocomp | International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
We are excited that patients achieve the best physical, dental and emotional health as safely as possible. Cavitation Surgery - Weston A Price Foundation
Louisa Williams, ND, explains all the important details of dental cavitation surgery. #articles #mercury #exposure #drblanchedgrube #halhugginsprotocol #grubeprotocol, October 2, 2013
Rio de Janeiro Mercury Free Zone
FIRST TRAINING PROGRAM For The Safe Removal Of AMALGAM In DENTISTRY! This is a course of extreme importance to the health of our patients and for our health as well!!!! Everyone who can should attend!!!! Registrations can be made by the ABO web site, but if they have difficulty call the ABO: ABO-RJ Headquarters-Tel: (21) 2504-0002-Fax: (21) 2504-3859 please disclose!!!! (Translated by Bing)