President of IABDM, International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine.
Dr. Blanche D. Grube has been in private practice at her Scranton, PA office for three decades, providing exceptional general dentistry and surgical expertise in a friendly, home-like environment. Dr. Grube holds a second doctorate in Integrative Medicine and is certified in conscious sedation. Visit for info on Biological Dentistry
Call today for a consultation 570.343.1500
810 Green Ridge Street, Scranton, PA 18509
Know where your crowns come from!
American dentists often wind up unknowingly with crowns made in China
There's an article on aol that talks about a woman who went to an unlicensed dentist in China and had twelve crowns placed over her existing teeth. The crowns were loaded with lead, fit poorly and her gums were changing color as a reaction to the toxic materials. The take home message from the article is that American dentists often wind up unknowingly with crowns made in China which come from inexpensive lab deals. Lead is not the only metal to be concerned with when it comes to metal crowns. Many crowns also contain aluminum, nickel and even arsenic. Visit for more information.