Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Before and After Story from one of Dr. Grube's clients

The Dental Clinic of Dr. Blanche D. Grube is a Mercury Free Biological Dental Practice. We specialize in the safe removal of mercury from our patients and complete restoration services. 

Dr. Blanche D. Grube Clinic 810 Green Ridge Street - Scranton, PA 18509 -
CALL TODAY 570.343.1500 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Mercury Removal

The Blanche D. Grube Clinic - Scranton, PaDr. Blanche D. Grube Clinic :: Scranton, PA

Mercury Removal

Day of mercury removal we use the following:

  1. Vitamin C IV, as a mild chelator and as a maintainer of the body's level of glutathione
  2. Conscious sedation, for extended visits beyond two hours and to allow treatment to cross the midline of the body.
  3. Mercury Vapor Ionizer to electrically neutralize the mercury gases 
  4. Dental Air Vac Suction
  5. Oxygen for patient with a barrier over nose to reduce the possibility of breathing in mercury vapor.
  6. Complete draping of the body including protective eyewear for patient.
  7. Rubber dam, to isolate the teeth being worked on and prevent particles from entering the soft tissue of the mouth. Sulfur is used on our non-allergic patients to prevent mercury gases from traveling through the dam.
  8. Suction behind the rubber dam to absorb mercury gases that travel through the dam.
  9. High speed removal of amalgam with copious amounts of water and suction, to keep mercury vapor to a minimum.
  10. Slow...speed drill on dentin, to lessen trauma to the living tooth
  11. 10a.  a. Use of ozone to sterilize prior to restoration placement. 
  12. Replace filling with a compatible composite 
  13. Completion of all surgical procedures by the doctor. 
  14. Post treatment education concerning detoxification.
  15. Acupressure and massage provided for patient rehabilitation.
Call 570.343.1500, visit our site , or stop by our office:

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Services Provided at The Dr. Blanche D. Grube Clinic

The Grube Clinic also provides many of the procedures provided in conventional dental offices including: 
1. Blood test and hair analysis to evaluate present health status. 
2. Multi vitamin/mineral supplements prior to amalgam removal. 
3. Making sure that bowels are open and functioning well. 
4. Compatibility blood test to see which dental materials you are least reactive to.

Click Here to Contact the Clinic for additional information

Dr. Blanche D. Grube Clinic :: About Us

The Dental Clinic of Dr. Blanche D. Grube is a Mercury Free Biological Dental Practice. We specialize in the safe removal of mercury from our patients and complete restoration services. Our practice follows the Huggins Protocol for the safe removal of mercury. Dr. Grube does all of her own dental surgery.