A significant relationship between mercury exposure from dental amalgams and urinary porphyrins: a further assessment of the Casa Pia children's dental amalgam trial.
http://centersforhealing.net/A-significant-relationship-between-mercury-exposure-from-dental-amalgams-and-urinary-porphyrins-centers-for-healing.html#.UN_O3W-CmSoSunday, December 30, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Mercury in the Spinal Cord After Inhalation of Mercury
Article of how Inhalation of Mercury affects the Spinal Cord.
http://centersforhealing.net/Mercury-in-the-Spinal-Cord-After-Inhalation-of-Mercury.htmlMonday, November 5, 2012
Recent Radio Commercials by Centers for Healing - Dental Wellness Center - Newbury Park, California
Educating the public about the dangers of Mercury/Amalgam filling is what +Blanche D. Grube and myself do everyday. Please listen to our Radio Commercials that aired on B95.1 Radio in California. PLEASE +1 and SHARE!
http://centersforhealing.net/centers-for-healing-Radio-Commercials-Aired-kbby-radio.htmlFriday, November 2, 2012
A Compilation of studies linking mercury exposure to color vision loss
Over the last several decades... a wide variety of studies have linked mercury exposure to various visual impairments, most notably color vision loss. Unfortunately the majority of these studies have been done overseas and mercury toxicity is not tested for when being evaluated for color vision loss.
http://centersforhealing.net/article-compilation-of-studies-linking-mercury-exposure-to-color-vision-loss.html#.UJPaCMXA-SoFriday, October 26, 2012
My Story. by Barbary J. Harvey, M.D.
How Dr. Blanche D. Grube and Hal Huggins were a big part changing her life. Learning the Dangers of mercury and amalgam in her teeth led to discover their devastating effects.
http://www.barbarajharveymd.com/MyStory.aspxMonday, October 22, 2012
http://centersforhealing.blogspot.com/ ARE YOUR TEETH MAKING YOU SICK? Some scientific evidence suggests that poor dental health may be linked to cardiovascular disease.
http://centersforhealing.blogspot.comMonday, October 15, 2012
Zero Mercury Working Group views on mercury use in dental amalgam
The Zero Mercury Working Group (ZMWG) believes that the mercury treaty should contain effective "phase down"
http://centersforhealing.net/dental-news-centers-for-healing.htmlFriday, September 28, 2012
Audio Interview, Dr. Blanche D. Grube and Anita Tibau
A Recent audio interview with Dr. Grube and Anita Tibau, activist for the effort to ban the use of mercury in the United States.
http://www.drblanchegrube.com/audio.html#AnitaTibauMonday, September 24, 2012
Video :: Root Canals 101, Why a person should never have one placed in a tooth
Dr. Blanche D. Grube discusses how a root canal is actually performed and why a person should never have one placed in a tooth.
http://www.drblanchegrube.com/videos.htmlWednesday, September 19, 2012
What is Biological Dentistry?
Biological Dentistry is dental work with nontoxic and systemically compatible materials. Dr. Blanche D. Grube has been performing biological dentistry at her Scranton, PA office for three decades.
http://www.drblanchegrube.com/Biological-Dentistry.htmlTuesday, September 18, 2012
Important Tips for BRUSHING and FLOSSING
Good blog post by Dr. David Villarreal regarding tooth care.
http://centersforhealing.blogspot.com/2012/09/important-tips-for-brushing-and-flossing.htmlFriday, September 14, 2012
ARTICLE - Your Mouth Your Health, By Dr. Blanche D. Grube; YHC MAGAZINE
ARTICLE - Your Mouth Your Health, By Dr. Blanche D. Grube; YHC MAGAZINE
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Grand Opening of Centers For Healing
Grand Opening of Centers For Healing
Thursday, July 26, 2012
President of IABDM, International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine
Dr. Blanche D. Grube, owner of Dr. Blanche D. Grube Clinic
President of IABDM, International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine.
Dr. Blanche D. Grube has been in private practice at her Scranton, PA office for three decades, providing exceptional general dentistry and surgical expertise in a friendly, home-like environment. Dr. Grube holds a second doctorate in Integrative Medicine and is certified in conscious sedation. Visit www.drblanchegrube.com for info on Biological DentistryCall today for a consultation 570.343.1500
810 Green Ridge Street, Scranton, PA 18509
Friday, July 6, 2012
Know where your crowns come from!
Know where your crowns come from!
American dentists often wind up unknowingly with crowns made in China
There's an article on aol that talks about a woman who went to an unlicensed dentist in China and had twelve crowns placed over her existing teeth. The crowns were loaded with lead, fit poorly and her gums were changing color as a reaction to the toxic materials. The take home message from the article is that American dentists often wind up unknowingly with crowns made in China which come from inexpensive lab deals. Lead is not the only metal to be concerned with when it comes to metal crowns. Many crowns also contain aluminum, nickel and even arsenic. Visit www.DrblancheGrube.com for more information.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Before and After Story from one of Dr. Grube's clients
The Dental Clinic of Dr. Blanche D. Grube is a Mercury Free Biological Dental Practice. We specialize in the safe removal of mercury from our patients and complete restoration services.Dr. Blanche D. Grube Clinic 810 Green Ridge Street - Scranton, PA 18509 - www.DrBlancheGrube.comCALL TODAY 570.343.1500 QUICK CONTACT RIGHT NOW! |
Friday, June 8, 2012
Mercury Removal
The Blanche D. Grube Clinic - Scranton, Pa
Mercury Removal
Day of mercury removal we use the following:
- Vitamin C IV, as a mild chelator and as a maintainer of the body's level of glutathione
- Conscious sedation, for extended visits beyond two hours and to allow treatment to cross the midline of the body.
- Mercury Vapor Ionizer to electrically neutralize the mercury gases
- Dental Air Vac Suction
- Oxygen for patient with a barrier over nose to reduce the possibility of breathing in mercury vapor.
- Complete draping of the body including protective eyewear for patient.
- Rubber dam, to isolate the teeth being worked on and prevent particles from entering the soft tissue of the mouth. Sulfur is used on our non-allergic patients to prevent mercury gases from traveling through the dam.
- Suction behind the rubber dam to absorb mercury gases that travel through the dam.
- High speed removal of amalgam with copious amounts of water and suction, to keep mercury vapor to a minimum.
- Slow...speed drill on dentin, to lessen trauma to the living tooth
- 10a. a. Use of ozone to sterilize prior to restoration placement.
- Replace filling with a compatible composite
- Completion of all surgical procedures by the doctor.
- Post treatment education concerning detoxification.
- Acupressure and massage provided for patient rehabilitation.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Services Provided at The Dr. Blanche D. Grube Clinic
1. Blood test and hair analysis to evaluate present health status.
2. Multi vitamin/mineral supplements prior to amalgam removal.
3. Making sure that bowels are open and functioning well.
4. Compatibility blood test to see which dental materials you are least reactive to.
Click Here to Contact the Clinic for additional information